If I am allowed a bit of an exaggeration (of course I am) organised behavior leads to an ism akin to what was prevalent in the Nazi Germany or more recently in say a North Korea. Or on the other extreme leads to a pretty mundane and boring lifestyle that falls apart like a house of cards if a single element goes awry. What I may sound like might be a naysayer but it is certainly not without a justified reason. It obviously involves a little generalization. You may well point out the exceptions but it will go on to prove the rule.
There is a question asked as much by people as I ask myself. Why exactly do I love India? Am I a nationalist? No. Patriot? Hell no. Does India provide the best possible lifestyle to its denizens? Not by a mile. Are people honest in their entirety? We have consistently been rated one of the most corrupt nations of the world. Why then? Why exactly do I love my country when I list a plethora of negatives about her?
There has to be something, right? What is that something? Is that something intangible? Mystical may be? And the ones fascinated by the grossest form of porn available? Please. It’s certainly not the poverty. Then it dawns on me as it always does when I least expect an answer smack in the middle of the road listening to my favorite song only to be woken up by a screeching car and a ship like honk backed up by a slow motion of events like turning the head around only to see the middle finger raised high up connected to a contorted face screaming the F word (listening to Pink Floyd helps btw. Trust me). We have strangely but beautifully versed to organize ourselves in the chaos that’s India. It’s like an interspersed web of craziness thorough which anyone and everyone that makes this country as his/her home finds a way out. Nothing goes exactly the way it’s supposed to be. The end result? The awareness level is pretty high. The brains always open, receptive to say any untoward happening that may stand right in front of you staring point blank trying to scare the life out of you. In most cases it can’t. I mean where else can you have the liberty to board a running train knowing a slip might prove fatal but still doing it or driving on a national highway on your side still keeping in mind that it might still not be yours. Google will achieve true greatness the day it is able to map each and every street, nook and corner if it is able to achieve it even in Beta. Where else can one start worshipping the stone knowing that the divine is formless though worshipped in forms that number in millions which to the developed world looks downright insane?
If you still remember something I wrote some notches above right after the “you still trying to figure out the title” you might have made a connection there. If you haven’t still, well try again. It’s not that intelligible or is it? Not that I completely disregard everything the west has to offer. In fact there are many pluses to its stable. The quality of life in certain “developed” nations is certainly better. Now I am using “quality of life” in the most stereotypical fashion here. It is pretty easy to live and spend your life in the west to a certain extent. What it does end up making though is caricatures or humanized robots (the Japs and Germans can take a cue). The knowledge is straight from the book and not contextual. Practically in most cases it works like magic. But if something goes a little out of control it’s a ripple effect that spirals up and down every level and strata.
Every one has his/her own way of living. As nature’s way everything has to be balanced. The above description might just be enough to substantiate it.